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MongoDb Development

I’ am a Freelance Application developer, who always aim at getting you up and running with your development process.

Do you want to speed up your development process by 4X? Looking at making your application robust before you go into production. I can offer you a technical support, plus the tools and features of MongoDB Enterprise Server, in a package that makes sense for development.

Looking to get a collection of development up and running quickly? You may try MongoDB Atlas, my database service. Spin up an instance in just a few minutes and start working.

Benefits of Mongo DB

  • Get to production 4x faster by getting your questions answered quickly and removing blockers.
  • Harden your application so it’s ready for production
  • Scale out with the help of my expertise in MongoDB.
  • Get access to all the features in MongoDB Enterprise Server, the commercial build of the database, so it’s secure, managed, and ready for production.

What you get

  • As a Freelancer and an expert in MongoDB, I can provide help on anything – when you’re having an issue, or if you just want some advice on things like schema design, indexing, or how to use a feature.
  • The powerful capabilities of MongoDB Enterprise Server, including platform certification, advanced security, access to the in-memory and encrypted storage engines, and management platform.
  • Development access to the MongoDB Connector for BI and MongoDB Compass.